A platform to support mental wellbeing


Mental Wellbeing Quiz

Test yourself by answering 14 statements about how you felt in the last two weeks

For the last two weeks

1 / 14

I felt useful

For the last two weeks

2 / 14

I felt relaxed

For the last two weeks

3 / 14

I felt interested in other people

For the last two weeks

4 / 14

S problémami som sa dobre vysporiadal/a

For the last two weeks

5 / 14

Myslel/a som jasne

For the last two weeks

6 / 14

I had a good feeling about myself

For the last two weeks

7 / 14

I felt close to other people

For the last two weeks

8 / 14

Mal/a som energie na rozdávanie

For the last two weeks

9 / 14

I felt confident

For the last two weeks

10 / 14

Bol/a som schopný/a urobiť si vlastný názor

For the last two weeks

11 / 14

I felt loved

For the last two weeks

12 / 14

I was interested in new things

For the last two weeks

13 / 14

I was cheerful

14 / 14

Budúcnosť som vnímal/a optimisticky


Buddy systém sa zameriava na pomoc študentom a študentkám pri adaptácii na vysokoškolské prostredie a zlepšení ich duševnej pohody v osobnom kontakte ale aj online. V dnešnej dobe, keď sa mladí ľudia stretávajú s rôznymi výzvami a tlakmi (rovnováha školského, pracovného a osobného života, akademický tlak, technologické a informačné výzvy, sociálne tlaky…) je nevyhnutné poskytnúť im v univerzitnom prostredí efektívnu a ľahko dostupnú pomoc. Buddy systém však nie je len o poskytovaní akademickej pomoci, ale aj o vytváraní vzťahov, podpore a priateľstve.

Pandémia, lockdowny a iné opatrenia založené na sociálnej izolácii poukázali na dôležitosť starostlivosti o duševné zdravie a duševnú pohodu. Štúdia BEETu s názvom Analýza duševnej pohody u mladých ľudí počas pandémie Covid-19 2022 merala aktuálny stav duševnej pohody prostredníctvom všeobecne uznávaných škál PHQ-9 a GAD-7 zameraných na stavy úzkosti a depresie. Prieskumu sa zúčastnilo 5 403 respondentov počas obdobia zimného semestra 2021 na slovenských vysokých školách.

Až 80% ľudí v uviedlo, že ich depresívne symptómy paralyzovali počas týždňa natoľko, že sa to prejavilo v ich výkone (v škole/práci), v domácnosti a v sociálnych vzťahoch. Vyššie priemerné skóre v depresii je na I. stupni v úvodných bakalárskych ročníkoch, zatiaľ čo najvyššie priemerné skóre v úzkosti je v treťom ročníku Bc. štúdia. Okrem stavu duševnej pohody sa zisťovali aj názory respondentov na bariéry vyhľadať odbornú pomoc pri zhoršujúcich sa stavoch duševnej nepohody a preskúmali sa možné motivácie, ktoré by mohli podporiť vyhľadanie adekvátnej pomoci.

Respondenti sa snažia zdieľať problém s rodinou alebo kamarátmi, a túto formu uprednostňujú pred kontaktovaním odborníkov (57%). Taktiež sa snažia najskôr vyriešiť problém svojpomocne (55%). Okolo 42% respondentov vidí ako hlavnú bariéru finančné obavy, že si odbornú pomoc nebudú môcť dovoliť. A vyše 34% respondentov je presvedčených, že problém prejde sám, bez potreby kontaktovania odbornej pomoci. Medzi ďalšie prekážky respondenti zaradili nedostatok informácií o možnostiach dostupnej pomoci, ako aj iných skutočnostiach. Zároveň žiadali, aby boli dané informácie poskytované jasne a transparentne. Až 60% respondentov by uvítalo viac informácií od školy a nastavenie jasnej cesty vyhľadania pomoci.

Medzi najvýznamnejšie motivácie, ktoré by mohli pomôcť s hľadaním pomoci patria: možnosť získania bezplatnej pomoci (69%), prehľad jasnej cesty vyhľadania pomoci (54%) a upozornenie, že sa jedná o dlhodobý problém (53%). Ženy v prieskume deklarujú vyšší záujem o témy duševného zdravia v porovnaní s mužmi. Možnosť online konzultácie o problémoch duševnej nepohody (47%) a potreba anonymity boli dôležité špecificky pre tých, ktorí trpia vážnejšími formami depresie. Na druhej strane práve respondenti s dlhodobo pretrvávajúcimi symptómami depresie vyjadrovali záujem o buddy systém, rovesnícku podporu.

Vyššie spomenuté skutočnosti vedú k vytvoreniu pracovnej skupiny pre prípravu Buddy systému pre študentov a študentky vysokých škôl na Slovensku ako poradného orgánu Ministerstva Zdravotníctva SR s cieľom pravidelne hodnotiť a zlepšovať Buddy systém na Slovenku.


Buddy is a peer who has been specially trained to answer your questions. He is either a student or a recent graduate of a different major, who will be assigned to you depending on your focus. This way, Buddy will be a person who already has some experience and therefore should be able to help with school problems. Most importantly, however, Buddy should be an impartial listener who will listen to you, and should be able to either give you his or her opinion on the matter or directly advise you on how to proceed with the problem. One of the options is to seek professional help if necessary.

Each of us is unique and each of us has different questions that we may not be able to answer for ourselves. You can confide your difficulties and questions that are troubling you to the Buddy, and he is there to listen and advise you. Because Buddy is from a similar background and has been through similar school problems and issues that you are currently dealing with, he can help you because of his own experience. If the problem is more serious, then specialists with specialisms can be sought through Buddy. After all, there is no shame in seeking help if there is something emotionally deep going on within us that is beginning to limit us in our personal, school, work and/or family life. "If it can help me, why not try it?"

Once logged into the Buddy system, everyone will be assigned a Buddy. You will then be paired with a peer who has volunteered for the peer support system. Buddies are not honoured, they do it out of their own conviction to help others. Being a Buddy as well as getting a Buddy is anonymous.There will also be the option to choose anonymous communication, or the prospective student can check to see if a Buddy is located directly at their college. In the event of dissatisfaction with a Buddy, in the event of perceived discomfort or threat, or in the event of indications of inadequate or inappropriate behavior by a Buddy, there will, of course, be the option to report and replace the Buddy. Any inappropriate behaviour by Buddy will be actively investigated.

Signing up for student support is easy, just leave us your contact details and we'll get back to you. The whole process from signing up, training to being able to help takes just a few days. Once you have signed up, you will then be trained and ready to get started with active support. Becoming a buddy is not a commitment. How many people you want to help and how involved you want to be is your decision.

About us

Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic via Behavioural and Experimental Economics Team (beet) in collaboration with experts, non-profit organisations, student organisations and volunteers, decided to create a platform for students and young people. This platform is used to test their mental health status and support them to maintain their mental well-being. The platform was created under the name eMental and offers the possibility of an anonymous buddy system where peers and students help each other. The platform also offers the opportunity to find a buddy in colleges.

We are aware of the deteriorating mental health of young people caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the current situation in Ukraine. The Buddy System is being created precisely to mitigate the impact of the adverse effects of anti-pandemic measures, social isolation and forced migration of people from other countries due to armed conflict, especially for students with the vision of helping them in mental health care in the future. Join us for raising awareness for systematically building better mental health prevention.

Mental discomfort and illness is not a personal failure!

I became Buddy because I know from my own experience that many smart students tend to burn out on study and other problems they can't handle. They don't know where to turn, they are lonely or ashamed of their problems. I think the buddy system can help expand awareness of student mental health and remove barriers to seeking and receiving psychological help.

RNDr. Andrej Baldovský

PhD student at the Institute of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ in Košice

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